Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Non-objective Square

The artwork does not represent or depict a person, place or thing in the natural world.
The goal of our non-objective squares was to create a line going from one corner to another. I achieved this goal in "round about way". For those that know me also know that I am a wee bit OCD. This caused a problem for me when creating a page including free flowing lines with no pre-written plan. When it came down to the color choice I left it to my cousin Alivia, this decision again forcing myself to not have a pre-determined plan. I enjoyed the progression of the green from the bottom to the top of the page. Although I didn't enjoy the process of this particular piece, I found the end product visually appealing. On a side note I dedicate this piece to my Grandpa Devey and declare it finally ready to be framed. 
Non-objective Square Tutorial

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