Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Mandala is a spiritual and ritual symbol in Hinduism and Buddhism, representing the Universe. The basic form of most mandalas is a square with four gates containing a circle with a center point.
My Mandala is based off the same basic form yet, mine is more on the girly side less on ritual side.  We were asked to create a Mandala that represents ourselves.  My inspiration for this piece was a garden.   I worked in a flower nursery and grew a love for all kinds of flowers. This piece represents many of my favorites, yet some flowers have more meaning then just being visually pleasing. The mushroom represents my mother.... I know this sounds odd. When you take a journey though the Wride's garden you will find MANY mushrooms about the garden. In this piece the mushroom just seemed to fit perfectly in my artistic garden. Next, is the lotus. I recently went to Kauai and was in awh by all of the amazing tropical greenery. I couldn't help but feel that I belonged with Kaui's beautiful tropical flowers rather than Utah's drought hardy plants. Lastly, is the compact flower border that represents my wedding bouquet. My Mandala was composed using colored pencils and a glass bowl and a ruler as my tools.
Mandala Tutorial

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