Monday, December 8, 2014

Pinch Pot

The earth without art is just "eh".
During my second year of college I enrolled in a ceramics 101 course. While enrolled in this course I learned the proper techniques of making a pinch pot. The first step is to start out will a ball of clay and then push your thumb into the surface of the ball to create a hole (not going all the way through). Once the hole is created you pinch the clay with your thumb on the inside with hand supporting the pinching on the outside. You continue the pinching until the walls of the pot has achieved the desired thickness. For this particular clay I simply had to wait for the clay to dry rather than heating the clay in a kiln . Once dried I painted my pot using watercolor paints, acrylic paint, and tempera paint. Although this is not my best work with clay I enjoy the opportunity to use a different variety of clay that is more "kid friendly" and can one day be incorporated into my future classroom.
Pinch Pot Tutorial

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